Live Chat Now Staffed 24/7!


We are excited to announce that we now answer web chats 24/7! Our skilled agents already qualify and assist potential new clients on your website, but now, with 24/7 live chat, we capture your overnight and weekend leads, too. As always, we can screen your potential new clients and schedule consultations on your calendar, so you’ll arrive back in the office with qualified leads booked on your calendar instead of a list of messages to follow up on.

With round-the-clock hours comes even more new leads, better ROI from marketing efforts, and the potential for significant business growth. 24/7 live-staffed chat is truly a game changer for businesses of any size, as it helps to convert passive online leads into quality, potential clients — all day, every day!

Since you pay for relevant chats only — with no charge for spam, sales, or unintentional chats — adding 24/7 live chat to your website is a no-brainer.

24/7 Live Chat Benefits All Businesses

Businesses ranging from small law firms to large ecommerce companies have website traffic at night and on the weekends. If you have a website, you likely have after-hours leads — don’t let even one get away.

Consider these examples:

  • You're a lawyer who practices family law. Someone reaches your website late because they’re ready to file for divorce. We will collect their contact information and get an initial consultation set up.
  • You’re a financial planner. Someone has a family or medical emergency and needs to urgently access capital. We’ll put them on your calendar for Monday, to discuss the best steps for them to take in this situation.
  • You’re an Apple consultant. Someone’s MacBook crashed at 2 am and they’re really nervous. We can ensure you are the right shop for the job, and send you a notification to call them first thing the next morning.
  • You own a clothing boutique with an online store. Someone wants to know about your return policy. We can answer their question, then help them to make an online purchase.

In Depth Example: Personal Injury Law Firm

Accidents happen all times of the day and night, and those who have been injured need an immediate response from their Personal Injury (PI) law firm. If a new potential client finds your PI firm’s website on a Saturday, our live chat agents will immediately engage with them, answer a few questions, and can qualify them as a new lead for your firm. If the lead is a fit for your firm (according to your criteria), we’ll schedule a follow-up call on your calendar within the same chat conversation. To finish the conversation, we can set expectations and direct the new lead to fill out any necessary forms before the scheduled call. This new potential client will feel like their problem has been addressed and they know what to expect next when hiring you.

When you are back in your office, whether it’s later on Saturday or Monday morning, you’ll have a new lead already booked on your calendar and ready for intake. By offering an immediate response to new website leads, you have already increased your firm’s growth potential! And the responsiveness and qualification provided by a live chat agent is likely to result in higher client satisfaction, a smoother intake process, and better overall brand trust.

In Depth Example: Automotive Repair Shop

Cars don't wait for normal business hours to break down, that’s why our car repair and car dealer live chat service is staffed 24/7. Let’s say someone’s engine stops working at 11 pm at night. While they wait for a tow truck to arrive, they’ll search for auto body shops that can help fix their car. Upon reaching your website, the person can chat with our live agent to determine if your shop works on their particular car type, and be sent further paperwork that may be necessary before you begin work on their car. They’ll have their car towed directly to your shop, and when you get in the next morning, you have a client, a summary of their issue and accident, and completed paperwork — not to mention their car in your lot! While you slept, our live agents were able to convert a potential client, leaving them relieved that they’ve dealt with their car’s issue right away, and making you money.

How Does Combine Live Agents with Technology?

Our live agents go above and beyond to provide nothing but the most helpful and successful chat service for you and your clients, 24/7. Furthermore, our agents are enabled by sophisticated technology to improve consistency, accuracy, efficiency, and, ultimately, success for your business. Here are a few ways we ensure round-the-clock quality:

Interested in 24/7 Live Chat? 

Get started with live chat risk-free today. All live chat plans are covered by our 14-day money-back guarantee.

Questions? Reach out to us at or ask our own chat widget!

24/7 Website Chat
Written by Kelsey Johnson

Kelsey Johnson is the former marketing manager at She is a legal tech expert focused on helping solos and small firms with their practices through tech-enabled operations, digital marketing, and communications.

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