9 Sales Promotion Ideas for Your HVAC Business


Service businesses, such as HVAC companies, can gain a lot from taking advantage of promotions when they are used correctly. Your competition is probably working hard to promote themselves and build their business, so it’s time for you to come up with a promotional strategy of your own to get noticed. 

To that end, we’ve gathered up a list of some great ideas to help you promote your HVAC business. If you want to grow your business these days, you have to fight a lot of competition. that’s where promotions can come in handy. After the promotions kick in, you can then outsource your sales outreach to get your leads called faster. Here are some essentials that should be on your list. 

1. Off-season specials

HVAC companies don’t have an “off-season” per se, but there are times when people don’t need certain things as frequently. Consider, for example, offering a discount on central air units when people purchase and set up the project during the winter months. Maybe you’ll want to promote off-season cleaning and other services that you offer or remind people that they need regular inspections of the furnace and other HVAC equipment to ensure that it’s in good, safe, proper working order. All this can be done by offering them a deal of some kind outside of peak season. 

2. New client promotions

You should always have some kind of new client promotions available. Whether it’s that email discount for first-time customers or even just a free inspection or service call when they choose you to do the work. Whatever it is, make sure that it gives them enough incentive to want to work with you in the first place. You can generate a lot more clients when you are offering them something for their business other than your HVAC services. 

3. Social media 

You can’t be on social media and not be active. While having a profile still puts you ahead of many local businesses, you also have to use those profiles. It’s about engaging with people and interacting with your audience so that they feel that personal connection to you. Use social media to promote your business. Offer specials on different platforms. Perhaps you’ll set up a YouTube channel and offer a discount for anyone who mentions your video. However you do it, make sure that you use social media in as many ways as you can to attract a new audience and grow your business. 

4. Business expos and trade shows

Service businesses can generate a lot of attention by attending local expos and trade shows. Not only will you be able to market to homeowners here, but you can network with other industry professionals and get your name out there in the world. You can even go so far as to offer people promotional items at the expo, or give them a special discount or deal if they mention that they met you at the trade show. This is also a great place to set out a list and collect names and email addresses for lead generation. 

5. Referral programs

Referrals are a big part of the service industry. People love working with professionals when they know someone else has had a good experience with them. And when it comes to HVAC and plumbing especially, people want to make sure that they’re getting the best services at the best cost. Create a referral program that rewards both the people being referred and the ones who referred them. You could offer free inspections, discounts on service, or even upgraded services of some kind. However you do it, make people feel valued. 

6. Direct mail marketing

Despite the growing trend toward technology, there is still a lot of room for a solution like direct mail marketing. You can create flyers, send out postcards, or even create a piece that contains discounts and promotions for people based on the services that you offer. So many people have gone digital that postal mail is sparse these days. Capitalize on that by creating some eye-catching direct mailers that will help you promote your HVAC business. 

7. Optimize for local SEO

This is less of a direct promotional effort and more of an essential. After all, it doesn’t matter what kind of promotions you run if your HVAC business can’t be discovered organically. Make sure that you optimize your local SEO and get listed in all the relevant business directories. Optimize your website and social media, too, and consider putting paid ad campaigns on local directories or in search results. Promoting your business starts with visibility, which is why this one makes the list. 

8. Partner with others for cross-promotions

In the service industry, partnerships can be a great way to promote your business. HVAC companies typically handle all kinds of heating, cooling, ventilation, and even plumbing work, so they can connect with general contractors, home builders, property management companies, realtors, and even other service providers like dedicated plumbers, electricians, and more. You can share referrals and offer incentives for people who come to you from another service provider. 

9. Partner with Smith.ai to manage leads, assist with promotions, and more

You have a business to run. The last thing you need is to deal with all those new leads coming in when you have a full plate. However, you need to make sure that someone is there to handle it, starting with a 24/7 HVAC answering service. When you partner with the dedicated virtual receptionists at Smith.ai, that’s just the start. We can also assist with scheduling, lead intake, and even live website chat

Plus, if you’re lacking resources or on a tight budget, ask how we can assist with outbound sales and support and manage your outreach campaigns to handle it all from the start. We can cap it off with a custom strategy to manage it all, no matter what your needs might be. 

To learn more, schedule a consultation to discuss what the 24/7 virtual receptionists from Smith.ai can do for your HVAC business. You can also reach us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484.

Business Education
Sales Tips
Home Services
Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with Smith.ai. He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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