We have updated our article as of June 2024 to remove incorrect pricing information that was previously published.
Are you missing calls and letting your leads and clients reach your voicemail? Don’t miss out on new business or the opportunity to give your current clients a great experience with your brand. If you are struggling to keep up with client demand, it may be time to consider a virtual receptionist service. Discover the differences in features and pricing between Smith.ai virtual receptionists and Nexa Receptionists.
Nexa Receptionists:
Discussion: Smith.ai is the better option when it comes to getting started. With us, you can do your research before reaching out to us, but we’re here for when you’re ready to chat.
Compare the monthly plans of Smith.ai and Nexa Receptionists.
Nexa Receptionists:
Nexa does not publish its pricing online, but showcases the following standard minute bundles on their website:
Discussion: Smith.ai’s transparent and predictable pricing can be found at all times on our website.
Smith.ai offers plans that are more affordable for both small and large businesses, as well as customized plans to fit your individual businesses’ needs. While your business average call time may vary, it’s important to note that Smith.ai does not charge for Spam or Sales calls, which tend to be short and bring down call time averages. Our per call pricing models only charges for legitimate calls to your business.
Diving into Nexa Receptionists’ billing practices, their terms and conditions mentioned per-call and per-minute billing models. Focusing on per-minute model (since that’s what they publish on their marketing site), we discovered that calls are rounded up to the nearest increment when on the per minute service options. Their terms and conditions mention 30- and 60-second increment plans. Plus, Nexa changes for work time and other time such as "drafting and sending emails, initiating, facilitating, or making outbound calls, dispatching, reviewing and responding to customer service inquiries, programming, conducting account maintenance and/or otherwise corresponding with you or your callers on your behalf."
Nexa Receptionists:
Smith.ai and Nexa Receptionists both provide the following features:
Smith.ai has the following additional features:
Nexa Receptionists offers the following additional features:
Discussion: Smith.ai and Nexa Receptionists both offer a robust set of services for businesses and solo professionals, but there are a few features that don’t fit neatly within bullet points. One example: When you choose Smith.ai, we give you access to our whole team of virtual receptionists. At Nexa Receptionists your business will be assigned to a team of dedicated receptionists depending on your industry. While this initially appears to be a benefit to your customers, it is not always advantageous during busy seasons or when you start receiving more calls as your business grows. Equally, when you launch a new marketing campaign, you must allow time for new team members to be trained to handle your calls with services like Nexa Receptionists. At Smith.ai, any receptionist can answer your calls (thanks to our proprietary software presenting them with key information on your business at the right time, during each call), we can scale up or even down instantly to handle your call volume.
Don’t take our word for it. Here’s how we stack up against Nexa on some popular online review sites.
Note: These screenshots were taken on June 6, 2024.
Note: Nexa has no TrustPilot online reviews, which is why it shows as 0.0. That is not a negative or positive.
Nearly every business owner who is in the market for a virtual receptionist service wants to give callers the experience of an in-house receptionist at a transparent (and easy to understand) price. Smith.ai and Nexa Receptionists provide a full range of services that support many, if not all of the receptionist functions that a business needs, like lead intake and qualification, appointment scheduling, and integration with the tools you use every day, such as your CRM and calendar. However, Smith.ai is our preferred choice.
Read what a long-time Smith.ai customer had to say:
“I’ve been using them for a while and they are invaluable to my law practice. Everyone says how great my receptionists are and I’m paying a fraction of the cost of an in house receptionist.”
- Regina Edwards, Edwards Family Law
The team at Smith.ai is dedicated to helping your business run smoothly, enabling you to capture more leads, and making your existing clients even happier. To learn more about our virtual receptionist services, contact us at (650) 727-6484, or email us at hello@smith.ai. Sign up for a free consultation with our team or get started risk-free with our 14-day money-back guarantee.