Overflow answering service and call answering

Don’t lose business because you’re too busy to answer. You'll have the first chance to answer but we'll pick up if you're away or busy.

An extension of your office

Think of as an extra receptionist. We help with answering telephone calls, giving directions to your office, scheduling appointments, screening leads, and more. We'll provide a simple-to-use overflow live answering service.

Never send a caller to voicemail

As a business owner, it is important to capture every opportunity you can get. Every person that goes to voicemail could be a missed opportunity for new business. With our overflow service, you can be confident that a live agent is there to answer your incoming calls. Let us back up your team to ensure no call is left unanswered, and hold times remain low.

76% of callers reported that non-call centers, like answering services, are helpful.

24/7 call overflow answering

Never miss a call from a new lead - even at 2am. We'll answer all of your after-hours calls for 24/7 overflow coverage. By having a live agent available to answer calls outside of your regular business hours, you can be sure your potential customers are being nurtured through the sales funnel.

Answer all calls during busy periods

Running a successful marketing campaign? Have a temporary boost in calls all at once? We can answer an unlimited number of calls at once, so you can take full advantage of a peak in interested leads.

Get the most out of

Outreach Campaigns
Where we reach, engage & qualify leads to build your book of business. 
More about Outreach Campaigns
Web Chat
The best channel for sales, service & support by utilizing bots, humans, or both.
More about Web Chat

Learn the call details on your time

You don’t have to lose out on key information just because you’re too busy to be on the phone.’s real-time call data allows you to monitor call activities from a distance in our convenient online dashboard to predict business growth and costs, and make better business decisions with superior accuracy. Access everything that happened on a call, including receptionist’s notes and metadata such as actions completed, caller disposition, priority, relevance, and much more. is trusted by 3,000+ businesses

5.0 stars
4.9 stars
5.0 stars
4.7 stars
“One of the big reasons we chose a virtual receptionist is after looking at the statistics of the number of phone calls that go unanswered, [...] we wanted to be proactive in making sure we aren’t responding in the way that the industry standards appeared to be. We want to be on the front of that wave to increase the accessibility of our services.”
Beau Atkins
Evolve Family Law

TALK TO OUR TEAM of experts

Book a consultation

Improve customer experiences with 24/7 engagement. We offer features and pricing for organizations of all sizes.
  • North America-based agents
  • Best-in-class AI technology
  • Live-staffed website chat
  • Bilingual services
  • Sales development & outreach
  • Rich call intelligence
Talk to us


We play well with your software

Calls, chats & appointments are automatically logged in your systems. Real-time syncing with over 7,000 integrations.
View all integrations

Frequently asked questions

The best virtual receptionist and chat services do much more than answer phone calls, respond to live chats, and take messages for you and your staff. At, we provide professional live agents who are capable of a wide range of services from telephone answering, to appointment scheduling, to lead intake, to website chat, and more. Whether you need live staff on duty 24/7, during daytime hours, for overflow support only, or just after hours answering services (nights and weekends), here are the answers to the most common questions we receive about our overflow call answering services, specifically.

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