Why Your Tax Law Firm Needs an Answering Service

U.S. tax law is incredibly complex. No individual understands the entire tax code, which is why so many specialists are needed. We have accountants and tax preparers, as well as tax attorneys. And that complexity shows no signs of changing, which means that more and more people and businesses will seek out expert guidance.


That’s good news for tax law firms, at least on the surface. However, if your tax law office isn’t prepared for growth, it could be a major issue. A legal answering service should be a central part of your operations and growth strategy. 


The challenges facing tax law firms today


Before we explore how a legal answering service can be instrumental in helping your tax law firm thrive, let’s discuss some of the challenges that you must overcome. Why is an answering service needed in the first place? 


Advising clients


One of the most critical roles a tax attorney takes on is that of advisor to their clients. You’ll be called on to advise clients on a very wide range of tax-related matters, including:


  • Tax strategies for high-net-worth individuals
  • Tax strategies for SMBs and enterprise-level organizations
  • Estate planning
  • Corporate reorganization
  • Business structuring



In addition to guidance, you may be required to represent your clients in audits and other legal proceedings related to taxation and tax laws. Of course, you will also be tasked with preparing and filing tax returns, many of them exceptionally complicated.


Pressed for time


The upshot is that your time is very limited. In most cases, you’ll be head-down in the office working on critical strategies to help clients offset their tax liabilities, or accurately file tax returns. In others, you and your team will be out of the office, either meeting with clients to discuss tax strategies or representing them in an audit or other formal meeting.


That doesn’t leave a lot of time to answer phone calls or reply to chats from potential new clients. And yet, without that, your firm cannot grow. You need a steady inflow of new clients to build a successful practice. They’re out there and chances are good that they’re trying to get in touch. If you and your team cannot communicate with them, they’ll go elsewhere.


This is where a legal answering service can step in and make a major difference in your growth and even in current client satisfaction levels.


The benefits of working with a law firm answering service


What can a legal answering service do to offset your team’s lack of time and availability? Some of the answers below are probably obvious, but some might surprise you.


24/7 answering


How often do potential clients attempt to contact your office after hours? What about over the weekend or on holidays? Depending on the scope of your services and whether you work with international clients or not, this could be a very common issue. 


Regardless, a legal answering service can ensure that you never miss another phone call. Trained virtual receptionists will answer every call, answer questions, and ensure that each caller enjoys a positive experience, even if they call in the middle of the night. 


Faster, more accurate client onboarding


How smooth is your new client onboarding process? Chances are good that the answer is “not particularly.” It’s not unusual. Tax attorneys and their teams are pressed for time, and sometimes details get overlooked. If you’ve ever gone to return a call from a potential client only to realize that you’re missing critical information, like their name or the reason for their call, you know exactly what we’re talking about.


A legal answering service can change this scenario dramatically. Trained virtual receptionists can transform your onboarding from chaotic to orderly, and even improve your speed to lead. 


First, experienced virtual receptionists understand how important it is to fill in the blanks when working with a potential lead. What’s their name? Why are they calling? Have they worked with your firm before? Where are they located? Do their needs mesh with the services your tax law firm offers?


Based on this information, the receptionists can then determine if the lead is a good fit for your firm or not. That spares you the time required to deal with a new lead only to learn that they’re not well-suited. The virtual receptionist will take the details of any promising lead and add them to your CRM, ensuring that important information is available to everyone.


Appointment booking made easy


Balancing your team’s time in and out of the office with prospective client needs is more than a little challenging. Often, what works for you doesn’t work for a new client, and vice versa. That leads to unnecessary back and forth, and lots of wasted time and frustration for everyone.


A legal answering service helps ensure that you’re able to book appointments that fit with everyone’s schedule and record them in your CRM. They can even send reminders by text to potential clients ahead of their appointments to reduce the number of late appearances and no-shows you must deal with.


A partner in growing your tax law office


As you can see, planning for the growth of your tax law office should include working with a legal answering service. At Smith.ai, our virtual receptionists are fully trained to handle your firm’s communication needs, and they have deep experience working with law offices, so they understand the intricacies of the industry. From appointment booking to lead screening and intake, 24/7 answering, and more, we’re the partner your growing tax law office needs.

To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to hello@smith.ai.

24/7 Call Answering
Law Firm
Virtual Receptionists
Written by Tom Armitage

Tom Armitage is a Senior Marketing Manager with Smith.ai.

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