Understanding Billable vs. Non-Billable Work for Law Firms


Handling both billable and non-billable work is essential and empowering for any law firm. It ensures optimal productivity, accurate invoicing, and a more profitable practice overall. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the difference between billable and non-billable work, share ideas on tracking each time, and provide information on managing these projects effectively. Armed with this knowledge, you can take control of your firm's financial performance and efficiency.

What is billable legal work?

Billable work describes any activity or task a law firm can charge a client for. This is often related to time spent on practices directly related to a client’s case. Below are a few of the most common examples:

  • Client Consultations – Initial meetings with clients to discuss their cases can be billable. This includes phone, video, and in-person consultations. 
  • Preparation and Research – Time spent researching case law, developing case strategies, and preparing legal documents is also billable.
  • Court Appearances – Going to court on behalf of a client, including the time spent getting to and from the location, is also considered billable work.
  • Reviewing and Drafting Documents – Creating and reviewing pleadings, contracts, and other legal documents for a client’s case is also billable.
  • Mediations and Negotiations – Time spent participating in mediation sessions and negotiating settlements is also billable.

What is non-billable legal work?

Non-billable work includes tasks required to run a law firm but cannot be directly billed to a client. You can find several examples of this kind of work below:

  • Administrative Tasks – General office administration will be non-billable, such as managing emails, scheduling appointments, and office management.
  • Business Development and Marketing – Time spent on marketing activities, such as writing blog posts, maintaining a website, and attending networking events, is non-billable.
  • Professional Development – Attending continuing legal education (CLE) courses or training sessions would also be considered non-billable work.
  • Firm Meetings – Internal meetings that are not specifically related to a client’s case will be non-billable.
  • Pro Bono Work – Legal work performed for free or at a discount for public service will be non-billable.

Tracking billable vs. non-billable work

Accurate billable and non-billable work tracking is essential for effective time management and financial planning. Here are some best practices for tracking each type:

  • Use Time Tracking Software – Implementing reliable time tracking software helps in recording billable hours accurately. Many tools allow you to categorize work as billable or non-billable, providing clear insights into allocating time.
  • Regular Time Audits – Regular audits of time entries ensure that all billable work is recorded correctly and help identify areas where non-billable work can be minimized.
  • Detailed Time Entries – Ensure that all time entries are detailed and specific. Include descriptions of tasks performed, the client or case associated with each task, and the duration of each task. This level of detail helps justify invoices to clients and provides transparency.
  • Segregate Non-Billable Work – Use your time-tracking software to segregate non-billable work. This will help you understand how much time is spent on administrative and other non-billable activities and can improve overall efficiency.

Managing billable work effectively

Maximizing billable hours while maintaining high-quality client service is a primary goal for any law firm. Here are some strategies to manage billable work effectively -

  • Set Clear Expectations – Communicate clearly with clients about what tasks will be billable and provide regular updates on the progress and associated costs. This helps manage client expectations and reduce billing disputes.
  • Prioritize Tasks –  Focus on high-priority, billable tasks first. Use project management techniques to organize and prioritize work, ensuring that billable work is completed efficiently.
  • Automate Where Possible – Use technology to automate repetitive tasks. Automation tools can handle document generation, legal research, and other tasks, freeing up time for billable work.
  • Monitor and Improve Efficiency– Regularly review time logs and seek ways to improve efficiency. Look for patterns or tasks that take longer than expected and find ways to streamline these processes.

Managing Non-Billable Work Efficiently

While non-billable work is necessary, managing it efficiently to maximize the time available for billable work is essential. Here are some tips:

  • Outsource Administrative Tasks – Consider outsourcing non-billable administrative tasks to virtual assistants or administrative staff. This allows legal professionals to focus more on billable activities.
  • Set Limits on Non-Billable Work – Allocate specific times during the day or week for non-billable tasks. This helps prevent non-billable work from encroaching on billable hours.
  • Use Technology – Implementing technology solutions can significantly improve the efficiency of managing non-billable work. Tools like email management software, CRM systems, and marketing automation can save significant time, allowing legal professionals to focus more on billable activities.
  • Delegate and Share Work – Delegate non-billable tasks to junior staff or support personnel. Sharing the workload ensures that senior attorneys can focus more on billable activities.

The importance of understanding billable vs. non-billable work for law firms

Understanding the difference between billable vs. non-billable work is essential for law firms that want to increase profitability and productivity. By effectively tracking and managing both forms of work, law firms can better allocate resources, ensure accurate invoicing, and improve overall efficiency. Whether that involves setting clear priorities, using advanced time-tracking software, or utilizing technology to handle non-billable tasks, the goal is to maximize the amount of time spent on client-focused activities.

Use these strategies to improve your law firm’s performance and achieve a balanced approach to billable and non-billable work. When you need additional help at your firm, consider a law firm answering service like Smith.ai to keep clients happy and answer their questions. We also offer services like conflict checks, lead vetting and intake, and appointment setting.

To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to hello@smith.ai.

Business Education
Law Firm
Written by Jessica Paxton

Jessica Paxton is the Product Marketing Manager at Smith.ai.

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