Law Firm Email Marketing Tips to Keep Clients Engaged


Maintaining client engagement is essential for anyone in the legal industry. It’s a way to build long-term relationships and create client loyalty. Law firm email marketing gives firms an effective and direct method to communicate with clients. When you share valuable information, you’ll remain at the top of people’s minds (and at the tip of their tongues). In this blog post, we’ll explore essential email marketing tips to help keep clients engaged and ensure the best client experience.

Build a strong email list

Offer great incentives

To build an excellent email list, provide incentives that encourage prospects and clients to subscribe. Incentives could be anything from free legal guides to newsletters or access to exclusive webinars. Ensure the incentives you select match your audience's legal needs and interests to get the most sign-ups.

Utilize sign-up forms

Create and post sign-up forms across your website, social media profiles, and blog. Make sure these forms are simple to find and fill out. You should only ask for the essentials, such as a name, to ensure a seamless experience for your audience, increasing the likelihood of subscriptions.

Collect emails at events

When you head to things like workshops, seminars, and other industry events, make time to collect some email addresses. Give people attending the event something useful in exchange for sharing their contact information. This can make your email list larger and target people who have a use for your services.

Segment your audience

Categorize based on interests

Consider your audience's legal interests and needs and then segment based on those. For example, you might have separate segments for business law, personal injury, and family law clients. This lets you send highly targeted emails relevant to each group, which is a great way to increase response rates and engagement.

Consider client engagement levels

Different clients will engage with your email at unique levels. Segment your audience based on engagement. You might have a list for frequent openers, another for occasional readers, and one for inactive subscribers. Create interesting messaging to re-engage the less active clients while providing high-value content to highly engaged ones.

Use demographic information

You can also segment based on demographic information, such as occupation, location, and age. Segmenting lets you send out much more personalized emails and is an excellent law firm email marketing tactic for those who want to send messages that match each client group's specific characteristics and preferences.

Craft compelling email content

Write attention-grabbing subject lines

The subject line of your emails is the first thing a client sees, and it can greatly impact whether they choose to open the email. Create subject lines that are strong, interesting, and relevant to the content inside. Use action words to create a sense of curiosity or urgency to get more emails opened.

Provide valuable information

By sharing updates on relevant laws, legal tips, and insights on various legal issues, you can ensure that your clients are well-informed and engaged with the content you send them. This educational approach demonstrates your law firm's expertise and builds trust with your audience.

Use a conversational tone

Using a conversational tone for your emails is not just a suggestion; it's a strategy to make them more engaging and relatable. Avoid complex language and legal jargon when possible. Be clear and simple instead. A friendly tone helps build a connection with your clients and makes your emails much more enjoyable to read.

Include visuals

Consider incorporating visual things like infographics, images, and videos to enhance the appearance of the emails and simply make them emails more fun to read! Visual content is a great way to break up text, highlight certain points, and elevate the reading experience. Make sure all visuals are relevant and add some kind of value to the email content.

Implement personalization

Address clients by name

Personalizing emails by adding the client's first name can have a huge impact. It shows that you value and recognize the person as an individual, which can increase engagement. Most email marketing tools let you easily personalize greetings and other email elements.

Tailor content to individual needs

When possible, tailor what you include in emails to address the interests and needs of specific clients. For example, if a client has asked about estate planning, you might send updates and articles on the same topic. Personalized content shows you care about and understand each person’s unique situation.

Maintain a consistent schedule

Establish a regular email schedule

Consistency is important in email marketing. Choose a regular email schedule that clients can get used to. Whether that’s weekly tips, bi-weekly updates, or monthly newsletters, stick to your schedule whenever possible. It can keep your clients engaged and watch for upcoming emails. 

Balance value and frequency

Consistency is important, but you do not want to overwhelm a client with too many emails. Find a balance between providing valuable information and staying in touch. If you send too many emails (especially if they are underwhelming in quality), it can lead people to unsubscribe. On the other hand, having too few clients can lead clients to forget about your firm. 

Effective email marketing for client engagement

Email marketing is a powerful method for law firms to create long-term relationships and maintain client engagement. Building a strong email list, crafting excellent content, segmenting your audience, and using personalization can drive success and create customer loyalty. However, there’s more to gaining clients than email marketing. offers an answering service for law firms that can handle calls from current and potential clients. We also provide other services such as appointment setting, lead intake, and call metadata and intelligence.

To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to

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Written by Tom Armitage

Tom Armitage is a Senior Marketing Manager with

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