How to Run a Law Firm Conflict Check


In the legal profession, your role in maintaining ethical standards and avoiding conflicts of interest is paramount to a law firm’s credibility and success. Conducting thorough conflict checks is a critical part of this process. This article will guide you through the essential steps and best practices for running an effective law firm conflict check, helping you stay compliant and uphold your firm's integrity.

Why conflict checks are essential

Ethical obligations

Conflict checks are necessary to comply with ethical rules and standards set by bar associations and legal governing bodies. These rules require attorneys to avoid representing clients with a conflict of interest, which could compromise the lawyer’s ability to provide unbiased representation.

Preventing malpractice claims

Not identifying and addressing conflicts of interest can lead to malpractice claims. A thorough conflict check helps mitigate this risk by ensuring that no lawyer in the firm takes on a case that could create a legal conflict. 

Maintaining client trust

Clients trust their attorneys to act in their best interest. Conducting conflict checks demonstrates your commitment to ethical practices and transparency, which is crucial in building and maintaining trust with your clients.

Steps to conduct a law firm conflict check

1. Collect comprehensive client information 

Before running a conflict check, gather detailed information about the prospective client and the matter. This includes the client’s name, any aliases, related parties, opposing parties, and a brief description of the legal issue. Ensure you have all relevant details that could potentially create a conflict.

2. Utilize conflict check software

Modern law firms benefit significantly from using conflict check software. These tools can quickly search vast databases of past and current clients, cases, and related parties to identify potential conflicts. Popular conflict check software includes Clio, PracticePanther, and MyCase. These systems streamline the process and reduce the risk of human error.

3. Search your firm’s database

Use your firm’s case management or client relationship management (CRM) system to search for any existing or past clients connected to the new matter. Look for matches not only by name but also by associations and relationships that could present a conflict.

4. Cross-check with other lawyers

Communicate with other lawyers and staff within your firm. They might know about potential conflicts that aren’t readily apparent in your database. Regularly scheduled meetings or a shared internal communication platform can facilitate this exchange of information.

5. Review and analyze results

Once you’ve gathered the results from your conflict check, review them carefully. Analyze potential conflicts to determine their significance and whether they can be waived with informed consent from the clients involved. Not all conflicts are deal-breakers, but they must be addressed appropriately.

6. Obtain written consent if necessary

If you identify a potential conflict that can be waived, obtain informed consent from all affected clients in writing. This consent should clearly outline the nature of the conflict and the potential impact on representation. Ensure that clients fully understand and agree to waive the conflict before proceeding.

7. Document everything

Keeping detailed records of the conflict check process, including the information gathered, the search results, any communications regarding potential conflicts, and copies of written consents, is crucial. This documentation is key in demonstrating due diligence and protecting your firm in case of future disputes.

Best practices for effective conflict checks

Implement a firm-wide policy

Establish a comprehensive conflict check policy that all attorneys and staff must follow. This policy should outline the steps to betaken for every new client and matter, ensuring consistency and thoroughness across the firm.

Conduct checks at multiple stages

Conflict checks should be performed at the outset of a new matter and periodically throughout the case. New information or changes in circumstances can create conflicts that weren’t apparent initially. Regular checks help identify and address these issues promptly.

Train staff on conflict check procedures

Ensure that all attorneys and relevant staff are trained on the importance of conflict checks and the specific procedures your firm follows. Regular training sessions and updates on best practices help maintain a high standard of compliance.

Use comprehensive databases

Maintain comprehensive and up-to-date databases of clients, matters, and related parties. Include details about former clients and closed cases, as conflicts can arise from past representations. The more complete your data, the more effective your conflict checks will be.

Foster open communication

Encourage open communication within your firm regarding potential conflicts. Lawyers and staff should feel comfortable discussing any concerns or uncertainties about conflicts. A culture of transparency and collaboration helps ensure that potential issues are addressed promptly and appropriately.

Common challenges and solutions

Incomplete information

Challenge: Incomplete or inaccurate client information can lead to missed conflicts.

Solution: Implement thorough intake procedures to collect all relevant details at the start. Use intake forms and checklists to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Human error

Challenge: Manual conflict checks are prone to human error, especially in large firms with extensive databases.

Solution: Utilize conflict-check software to automate and streamline the process, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and providing you with a reliable tool to enhance your conflict-checking process.

Complex relationships

Challenge: Identifying conflicts in complex relationships, such as corporate structures or large families, can be challenging.

Solution: Conduct detailed research and use conflict check software capable of handling complex relationships. Collaborate with colleagues to gain insights and avoid oversights.

Learn how to run a law firm conflict check

Running a law firm conflict check is a crucial process that ensures compliance with ethical standards, prevents malpractice claims, and maintains client trust. By following a structured approach, utilizing effective tools, and adhering to best practices, your firm can efficiently manage conflicts of interest and uphold its integrity and professionalism reputation.

Implementing a robust conflict check procedure is an investment in your firm’s future. It will help you provide the best possible service to your clients while safeguarding your legal practice. Stay proactive, stay diligent, and prioritize ethical standards to achieve long-term success in the legal industry.

Learning how to run a law firm conflict check is essential, but so is having other services that help you gain and retain clients. Consider bringing on virtual receptionists for lawyer to answer all your calls from potential clients. We also offer conflict checks, appointment setting, and legal intake.


To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to 

Law Firm
Business Education
Written by Jessica Paxton

Jessica Paxton is the Product Marketing Manager at

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