10 Ways to Automate Typeform with Zapier to Improve Your Business Operations, Fast


Typeform is another great form fill tool that’s helping businesses automate more of their day-to-day operations. Like Google Forms, Gravity Forms, and others, it’s all about allowing you to create robust, custom forms that can collect valuable information for lead generation and other business needs. There are so many ways that you can put Typeform to work for your business and when you add to it the power of Zapier, you’re going to knock it out of the park when it comes to managing your form submissions and transferring information across various software tools and platforms.

Zapier makes automation easy, working with over 3,000 apps and tools to create powerful integrations of all kinds. Just pick your apps, pick the automated workflows that you want to use, and get started on putting them in place. Zapier even has tons of pre-built integrations that are ready to go so that you don’t have to do the work of setting them up yourself. Of course, there is also a wide-open API that makes sure you can create custom workflows when necessary, giving you the best of everything.

Automation and streamlining are big parts of modern business. You have to be able to make your tech stack work for you and that’s only possible if you embrace the power of the tools available to you, including Zapier and others. These automations will make sure that your business software runs seamlessly around the clock, meaning that even when you sleep, your company never will.

Zapier is constantly adding new workflows and integrations that allow you to get more done in less time, with new tools and tricks added every single day. When you are looking for a way to optimize and streamline your form fills, this is a winning combination.

If you’re looking for a way to get past the busywork and get back to business, these two tools need to be on your list. And if you want to embrace all the resources to ensure that you never miss a single message, call, or customer inquiry, find out what our virtual receptionists can do

Let’s talk a little bit about what Typeform can do for you, and then we’ll look at how it can work together with Zapier by showcasing some of the most popular automations.

How and why to use Typeform 

If you’re newer to form filling tools and custom form creation, your head might be spinning with all of the available options. Not only that, but it’s hard to figure out all the minute details that make the difference from one program to the next. Fortunately, as long as you embrace a tool that works for you, you’ll be on the right path. If you’ve chosen Typeform as your forms tool of choice, you’ll love that it offers:

  • Custom form creation
  • Easy, secure submissions
  • Dozens of integrations and automated workflows
  • Drag-and-drop form fields
  • Free API for customization
  • Logic Jumps 

All of these features are just the beginning of what this tool offers. You will be able to create all kinds of forms for your business, from customer service queries to lead generation forms and so much more. Plus, the user-friendly dashboard keeps it all organized in one place and allows you to track everything in real-time. Typeform can be used with a calculator, file upload, payment collection, and more. You can even send email notifications to respondents and your team right through the app.

So, what can you use Typeform for? Here are just a few examples of forms that businesses create:

  • Customer support tickets
  • Conversational welcome packs
  • Persona surveys
  • Marketing and new customer surveys
  • Customer feedback forms
  • Exit surveys
  • Employee feedback and surveys
  • Onboarding and training forms
  • Team building events and forms 

You’ll also enjoy seamless forms across all devices and next-generation form creation tools that will take your questionnaires and forms to a whole new level. You have all those responses waiting for you in Typeform and it’s time to do something about them. However, with Zapier, you can do one better—you can automate the form sharing process so that AI makes sure your responses get where they need to go even when your team is busy taking care of other things. 

Speaking of the one-two punch, here’s a look at some of the workflows you can use with Zapier and Typeform.

1. Collect Typeform responses and transfer them to Google Sheets rows

If you’re tracking things on Google Sheets, you’ll love that it automates in several different ways, thanks to Zapier. With this workflow, you can set up a Google Sheet for all of your lead generation or other Typeform creations, and then whenever a response is submitted, it will be transferred to the Sheets document of your choice. This will save your team the hassle of doing the work themselves and ensure that all the details are transferred without errors or omissions, making it easier than ever to trust that things are getting done even when you’re not the one doing them.

2. Generate email notifications in Gmail for Typeform responses  

This workflow saves you the hassles of following up on your form submissions and trying to keep tabs on when forms come in. You can set it up so that you or your team are notified through Gmail anytime that there is a Typeform response submitted. Just put the workflow in place and when a response is submitted, a notification email will be triggered. You can trust that you’ll be in the loop even when you’re not in the office, thanks to automation and AI.

3. Create Slack notifications for new entries submitted through Typeform      

Slack makes communication and collaboration simple. This messaging tool is great for remote teams and teams that need to keep in touch digitally. Zapier offers several workflows through Slack that make it easier to streamline tasks, projects, and communication. Take this workflow, for example, which allows you to automate all of your Typeform responses so that instead of having to check on them or let people know they’re available, Zapier does it for you. Just set it up so that when a Typeform response comes in, a Slack notification is generated, either to a specific team member or on a specific channel, so that everyone is on the same page.

4. Create Mailchimp subscribers from Typeform contact information    

If you use Mailchimp for email marketing, this automation will help you keep things on track and save you a step. Mailchimp is already pretty intuitive and easy to use. When you automate transferring contacts, it becomes even easier. Use this automated workflow to collect all contact information from Typeform submissions and create new subscribers so that you can start sending emails right away. You can do this for all of your Typeform entries or just specific forms, and you can even choose which subscriber list to add people to.

5. Create Trello cards from your Typeform submissions   

Another great collaboration tool, Trello offers project management solutions for companies of all sizes. When you use automated workflows through Zapier, you’ll have no trouble keeping tabs on all of your incoming submissions and form entries. Whether you’re using them for lead generation, promotions, customer surveys, or even onboarding and employee feedback, knowing when forms come in can help everyone stay on track. This workflow allows you to set it up so that when a Typeform response is submitted, a Trello card is created with the information so that your team can take action.

6. Save Typeform submissions as Dropbox text files    

Dropbox makes file sharing and storage in the cloud easy. It’s one of the most-used file-sharing tools available today and it offers a lot of different ways to keep your files secure. This workflow makes it easy for you to save any Typeform submission that comes in as a text file in Dropbox so that you’ve got the information on hand and in a transferrable format for whatever your uses may be. Plus, it saves you the hassle of exporting the responses yourself or saving everything externally in another way.

7. Add your Typeform submissions as records in Airtable

Airtable is a great database tool that makes it easy for you to track and store information in just about any way that you like with dynamic records that are more than just spreadsheet rows or pages of file listings. With this workflow, you can set it up so that every Typeform response is turned into an Airtable record. That way, the tedious work is done for you and your information stays streamlined across all the tools that you use. You can even set this up for specific forms or specific records, and more.

8. Create ActiveCampaign subscribers from Typeform responses

If you use ActiveCampaign to manage your customers and marketing efforts, it’s going to be even easier with this automation. Forget about copying and pasting details or spending hours uploading new leads to your ActiveCampaign database because Zapier can do all the work for you with this automation. Simply set it up so that when a new Typeform entry comes in, Zapier creates a subscriber in your ActiveCampaign platform. Then, let the AI do the rest while you get back to business.

9. Add new Typeform submissions as tasks in Asana   

Asana makes task and project management simple, and it’s a breeze to integrate with other tools and software that you’re using, including Typeform. You can set your form submissions up as leads that need to be followed, calls that need to be made, or even data that needs to be shared for various purposes. Whatever the task may be, Asana can keep tabs on it and make sure that you’re never missing a beat. Simply set the workflow so that Zapier catches new form submissions and automatically sends them to Asana and puts them on the appropriate task list. Then, you can just go in and get to work.

10. Send SMS messages when new Typeform entries come in    

Zapier has its own SMS tool that makes it easy to stay in the loop, no matter what you’re automating. With this workflow, you’ll be able to set a custom notification so that anytime a form response comes in from Typeform, you hear about it right away. You could even set this up so that it notifies a specific member of the team, or the entire team if you’d like. Just choose the form submissions you want to be notified of and when one comes in, Zapier will send a text along to let you know. Then, you can worry about taking care of business and let the busywork handle itself.

Take your operations further when you partner with Smith.ai 

We love automation, and tools like Zapier are what make our tech-loving hearts skip a beat. When you hire our virtual receptionists as part of your operations improvement strategy, you’ll enjoy having a whole new face for your brand to handle everything from after-hours calls to live website chat and so much more. Plus, we can help you create the perfect strategy to field all those needs, regardless of what you’ve got in mind.

Zapier is all about working smarter—create smart workflows between all of the software that you use and spend less time on the details. And, with the power of Zapier, our team at Smith.ai can integrate with more than 3,000 apps for you so that each call, chat, and text message is logged appropriately in your CRM, database, or anywhere else you prefer.

Check out all our apps to see how many different ways we can connect with Zapier. You can also check out our own Website Chat app on Zapier and our Answering Service app on Zapier

Plus, schedule a consultation to discuss 24/7 solutions and what they can do for you, including lead intake, scheduling, after-hours call answering, and so much more. You’ll also find us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484.

Business Education
Apps and Software
Written by Sean Lund-Brown

Sean Lund-Brown is a current Marketing Assistant for Smith.ai. A graduate from Metropolitan State University of Denver, Sean graduated with a BA in Music and an individualized degree in Teaching Vocal Pedagogy.

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