How To Run an Outreach Campaign Without Exhausting Your Sales Team


Your sales team has a lot on their plates. They are responsible for drumming up business, following leads, and creating conversions and lifetime customers. You might think that just sounds like a day in the life of sales reps, but it doesn’t have to be that way. After all, when you give your people too much to do, they quickly become overwhelmed, burnt out, and ready to bail before they’re even willing to discuss a change in the environment with you. 

To avoid this, and to ensure that your sales team is firing on all cylinders, you need to make sure that you’ve got a solid strategy for outreach campaigns. This strategy should highlight and capitalize on your teams’ expertise and help you drive conversions and leads, no matter who’s doing the work. 

And speaking of that, one of the best ways to handle outreach campaigns without exhausting your team is to outsource to the virtual receptionists at Our agents can work as your outreach team to handle everything from strategy to closing and continued efforts. 

Outsource where you can 

As mentioned above, outsourcing can be a great way to take the stress and workload off your sales team. In small businesses and those who are just starting out, the access to qualified sales reps might not be what it could be—that’s another great reason to outsource. You can create dynamic outreach campaigns and execute them quickly and efficiently, all without actually doing much of the work yourself. 

When you outsource sales and marketing outreach, you enjoy benefits like:

  • Better access to experts and industry experience 
  • Cost-effective growth solutions
  • Scalability that meets your business needs 
  • A dedicated team focused on driving leads
  • More support and education for your own sales team 
  • Access to better technology 
  • Improved strategic planning and thinking 

These are just a handful of the perks that come from outsourcing. Plus, it’s not something that has to be “all or nothing,” either. You can put your marketing and sales reps to task and incorporate an outsourced campaign team as part of your ongoing efforts. 

Plan ahead 

Planning goes a long way in alleviating the stress and exhaustion of business sales and marketing. It’s more than just having a marketing plan in place, though. You have to take the time to explore all of your resources, come up with effective strategies, and then figure out how those strategies are going to be executed for the best chances of success. 

When you partner with an outsourced sales team, they can help with a lot of this, too. They can teach you how to see the big picture and break things down into measurable tasks, as well as how to delegate work for the best chances of success. Your outreach campaign planning should include things like:

  • The campaigns being executed
  • Who is handling each campaign 
  • The role of your own marketing reps 
  • Who is helping you (outsourced partners) 
  • Who needs to handle which tasks 

This makes it simple for you to maximize your resources. You can allocate certain people to certain tasks and see much more dynamic growth as a result. 

Delegate accordingly 

One of the biggest reasons that in-house teams struggle with feeling overwhelmed and under-informed is that tasks aren’t properly delegated. There’s no sense in handing the new marketing rep a list of outreach efforts if he’s still training on how to handle basic day-to-day tasks, for example. As part of your planning, develop roles and tasks for everyone and make sure that everyone knows their duties. 

When you incorporate this alongside outsourced sales teams, you will have a much more efficient operation. Your in-house reps will be doing their part and integrating with the outsourced reps to create a full-cycle marketing and outreach machine that gets results. 

But, this only works when you take the time to delegate work accordingly. Otherwise, it can feel like a free-for-all where no one really knows what’s expected of them. That’s not going to do anything good for your business or your bottom line. 

Take advantage of digital resources 

Today, there are so many different tools that you can use for outreach campaigns. Your sales team no longer just has to make calls or send emails and hope that people will respond. You can create a host of resources online that draw in leads and help people find your business. Automating outreach (in certain areas) can be a big help, too. 

Of course, today’s companies have to find the balance between digital automation and using the human element. People like to work with people—use digital resources for other tasks involved in outreach and use sales and outreach teams to do the rest. 

Put your sales team to task on the right efforts

The final tip that we have comes full circle: now that your sales team has been given a reprieve from the stress of outreach, it’s time to put them to task accordingly and maximize their newfound focus and motivation. If your sales team can only focus on sales and conversions, they will be much more effective at that. If they’re required to handle outreach, too, they’re spread far too thin and will often produce less-than-stellar outcomes. 

Take advantage of the resources and strategies that you’ve created to help fuel your outreach campaigns. Then, rework your sales team and strategies to ensure that everyone is being utilized effectively to reduce burnout and workload stress. 

Speaking of outsourcing, is ready to handle it all 

As mentioned, outsourcing is a great way to alleviate stress and work for your sales team. has a team of virtual receptionists that can handle your outreach campaigns so that your sales team can put their efforts elsewhere (or even just take a breather). You can also depend on us for lead intake, and appointment scheduling, and to act as your 24/7 answering service for outreach that’s more successful than ever before. 

To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to

Business Education
Sales Tips
Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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