How to Find New Clients for Your Cleaning Business for Under $10,000/month


Finding new clients always seems like a lot more work than it needs to be. If you’re doing it right, though, you will be able to attract more business so that you can continue to grow. Cleaning and housekeeping are necessary businesses, which is good, but at the same time, you can’t rest on your laurels when it comes to marketing and trying to drum up new business. 

If you do it well, you can even set up campaigns and efforts to generate new business that works in the background and that provides ongoing streams of clients for your cleaning company. This means you can spend more time focusing on those clients and your cleaning jobs. Of course, every business is different so some methods may be more effective for you than others, but there are plenty of great options out there to consider. 

For starters, check out the five tactics below, which can all help you generate new cleaning clients for less than $10k per month, allowing you to maximize your budget in more ways than you anticipated. 

Tactic #1: Build your professional network 

Cost: Free, unless you pay for expos, networking events, memberships, etc. 

Today’s customers want more than just a cleaning business. They want a trusted authority that they can rely on for all of their cleaning needs. Therefore, if you want to attract new clients for your cleaning business, you’ll need to take the time to build your professional network and position yourself as an authority within the industry. 

Network with others in your industry. Consider connecting with property management companies, construction companies, and others. If you are doing commercial cleaning, connect with local businesses that may be able to benefit from or share your services. Build relationships with those who have established authority and brand presence and you, too, will be able to use that to draw in new clients. 

Tactic #2: Solicit reviews and referrals 

Cost: Free, unless you offer incentives 

Referrals and reviews don’t cost you a thing, but they are one of the most valuable ways that you can attract new business. People love firsthand insight and information. They want to know what a company is actually like, not just what they claim to offer. Reviews and referrals come in on their own sometimes, but you can’t rely on that type of inconsistency and guessing game. Consider asking your clients for reviews or offering them a discount or other incentive to post a review to your website. 

You could also start a referral program that allows you to generate new business by letting people share with their family and friends. You should make sure that if you offer a discount or special for referrals, both the referrer and the new customer get something out of it. 

Tactic #3: Optimize for local SEO 

Cost: $250-$1,000

Cleaning businesses are local businesses. Even multinational chains and international brands have local branches where they conduct business. You can’t clean virtually, so you have a specific local audience that you are going to want to reach. Local SEO involves not just using location-based keywords but also taking advantage of online directories, your Google Business Profile, and other resources to boost your local presence. 

Consider adding common search queries to your keyword list like “cleaning companies near me” so that your website comes up in the results. Do keyword research and do a little research on the competition. You’ll also want to make sure that you choose one format for your business name, address, and phone number and stick with it. Known as your NAP or business citation, it’s what is listed in directories, on social media, on your website, etc. If it’s inconsistent, it’s not going to help you rank well. 

And if you’re not sure what to do, hire someone to handle local optimization for you. They can take care of the initial process and the maintenance, and it won’t cut into your budget as much as you might think. 

Tactic #4: Get social and get engaged 

Cost: Free 

This one’s on you. Companies that offer local services do much better when they have active, available social media profiles. People are highly engaged in social media today, so they expect the businesses that they work with to be available here, as well. You can hire someone to help you optimize your social media and consult on best practices before you go off on your own, but you can also read up on a lot of that online—just be sure to check your sources and use reputable ones (we like HubSpot, Moz, and Semrush). 

Create social media profiles on all the major networks. Figure out which ones your clientele use most often and stay engaged there. Try to get creative with ways you can engage—such as funny TikTok cleaning videos that you can share (or create yourself!). 

Tactic #5: Outsource admin and communications duties 

Cost: $250-$5,000, depending on what you outsource

Thanks to the Internet and the world’s capability to work remotely, companies now have the option to outsource a lot more than they realize, and it’s nothing like what most people think. When it comes to outsourcing, some people picture those overseas call centers that are hired for pennies on the dollar and make communication all but impossible—that’s not what we’re talking about here. 

We’re talking about investing in real solutions from U.S.-based companies that can assist you with routine tasks like lead screening and intake, appointment scheduling, live website chat support, and more. Plus, when you choose a reputable team like the virtual receptionists at, you’ll also get a 24/7 answering service that ensures you never miss a single opportunity. 

At, we take pride in being the face of your cleaning business to help you bring in new clients and manage the needs of your existing client base. We can even offer support with outreach campaigns to draw in those leads in the first place. To learn more, schedule a consultation or reach out to

Business Education
Cleaning Service
Written by Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

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