Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

Articles by Samir Sampat

10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Interior Design Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 13, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Interior Design Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
Interior designers stand to gain a lot from video marketing, even though many might not realize what they’re missing out on. These days, of course, almost everyone can benefit from video and social content, considering that 1 billion hours of YouTube are streamed every single day. Video marketing works because it’s engaging, easy to digest, and it offers people what they want: instant answers and interactive content. Of course, you can’t just toss up some random videos and call it a day. Like anything else, this requires a strategy.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Flooring Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 13, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Flooring Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
In the flooring business, you’ve got a lot on your plate when you get to the world of digital marketing. There’s a great big world of flooring companies out there that have already built quite an empire online. You’ve got to get started now and get a dynamic video marketing strategy in place to grow your following if you want to keep pace. The good part of that is that you’ve got people you can learn from in growing your own business.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Roofing Company's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 12, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Roofing Company's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
Roofing is a business that has some pretty stiff competition and it’s only proven to get worse with the addition of things like Internet marketing and on-demand access to the products and brands that consumers need. Sure, it’s great that your audience can access you 24/7, but that also means they could run into your competition and be stolen away. The goal, of course, is to come up with the most effective marketing strategy to stay ahead of the game. Today, that strategy must include video if you’re going to get anywhere.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Software Company's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 11, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Software Company's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
The software industry has been one that has been forced to grow and evolve with the changes in modern technology. What once used to take up an entire room can now be stored in a chip the size of a small nut, and the world of software continues to expand and change to offer new solutions, better answers, and more forward-thinking tech for people who demand more from their products. It’s easy these days to find people you can learn from, of course. Among all the other resources out there, fellow video marketers will make it easy for you to learn the ropes of building your social following using the amazing power and versatility of video.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Veterinary Clinic's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 11, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Veterinary Clinic's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
Video marketing is a must-have for any business that expects to succeed in today’s digital marketing space. Veterinary clinics might not think that social media has much to offer, but they’d be quite wrong. In fact, one of the best influencers we discussed in our coaching series was the ASPCA, notorious specifically for their YouTube marketing campaigns. The case for video marketing is strong and there is a lot that you can do with your own strategy to make it work for your clinic.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Construction Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 10, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Construction Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
The competition in the construction industry is already fierce. When you add the Internet, you increase the competition even more. It’s only a matter of time before your marketing strategy needs to be bigger and better just to keep up, let alone to get ahead. Today, the key is video marketing and there are plenty of people who can help you learn about it.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Financial Planning Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 10, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Financial Planning Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
In the business of financial planning, you might not think so much of social media. Unfortunately, that’s where you’d be thinking wrong. Today, every business can benefit from engaging audiences through video and social media. In fact, industries like financial planning and other complex businesses can definitely benefit here. Why? Because video is what people want. It's how they connect, consume, and consider the products and services that they use.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your MSP/IT Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 9, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your MSP/IT Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
If you’re looking for a way to improve your social following, there are plenty of people out there who will tell you that they have the secrets to your success. However, right now, the numbers say that you should be focused on video if you want to dominate the social media world. In this guide, not only will we talk about the 10 people you should be taking notes from to build your own video marketing success, but we’ll also talk about the importance of video and what kind of perks it can offer for a business like IT or managed services.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Photography Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 9, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Photography Business' Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
If you’re a photographer, you may not know a whole lot about marketing or running a business. That's okay, though, because there are plenty of resources out there today that can assist you in learning more and becoming better at what you do. The world of photography is highly competitive these days and the Internet, while offering more for marketing, also increases that competition even further. The secret to staying ahead of the game is figuring out what your audience wants and how to deliver. Right now, audiences want video content.
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10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Wealth Advising Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook

October 8, 2021
10 Video Marketers to Learn from to Grow Your Wealth Advising Firm's Followers on TikTok, YouTube & Facebook
In the business of wealth and finance, social media might not be at the forefront of your mind when planning your marketing strategy. However, no matter what industry you’re in, the statistics say that you need to get on board with video marketing and social media in as many ways as you can. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. There are people out there who can help you get a grip on a solid video marketing strategy or even just teach you a few things through their own marketing efforts.
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