122% increase in captured calls with Smith.ai & CallRail

Efficient lead management leads to more calls received
Zeke Silvani
Convert It Marketing

No doubt, small and solo law firm owners are experts in law. But they don’t always have the sales and marketing chops needed to successfully manage a business. That’s why it often makes sense to turn to a partner with deep knowledge of the digital landscape and who’s mastered the art of business development. 

Zeke Silvani, Chief Revenue Officer at Convert It Marketing, is no stranger to the legal space. He and his team focus on providing law firms with their turnkey marketing solution, “Conversion Pro.” Following their brand mantra of easy, effective, & affordable, this homegrown solution saves their legal clients time — so they can focus more on billable work — while producing high-quality leads to better reach revenue goals.

Convert It Marketing relies heavily on partnerships with Smith.ai — specifically, our 24/7 virtual receptionist service — and CallRail, a superior lead intelligence platform that helps businesses track and attribute each lead across their marketing journey. By turning their marketing efforts into a fully-integrated solution, Convert It Marketing is able to ensure more leads are captured, converted, and tracked while avoiding having them fall into the hands of competitors.

Convert It Marketing

Miami, Florida
The problem
Converting more leads on behalf of clients
Our solution
Outsourced agents for 24/7 sales enablement

Zeke Silvani’s team at Convert It Marketing works hard to produce high-quality leads for their law firm clients. However, they realized not every lead was being successfully answered and worked by their clients. Exactly how many? 

They relied on longstanding partner CallRail for the answer.

By tracking calls, Convert It Marketing quickly identified that a third were being overlooked by their law firm clients. Those were leads paid for too — but completely missed due to unavailability or lack of follow-up. 

Something had to be done.

After thought, research, and development, the Convert It Marketing team built a solution they now dub “Conversion Pro.” 

It combines lead generation-focused digital marketing with partnerships through Smith.ai and CallRail. In doing so, calls generated from marketing & advertising are now answered by Smith.ai’s virtual receptionists and are also recorded and fully tracked through CallRail. It’s a fully integrated and automated solution so clients can focus less on the moving parts and more on the consultations booked. 

The Smith.ai piece is critical

“Our clients who have these services are happier, spend more with us, and churn at a lower rate. This has been a home run for us at Convert It Marketing!”

24/7 virtual receptionists handle all inbound calls whenever lawyers are not immediately available to answer — closing the gap on any potentially missed opportunities and ensuring that all callers have appointments booked directly on a lawyer’s calendar. 

Convert It Marketing concluded that more than half of leads couldn’t reach a lawyer in real time and needed an appointment set by an agent. Those leads otherwise would have been lost if not for Smith.ai. On average, firms went from having only 45% of calls answered before to having virtually 100% after — an incredible 122% improvement in calls received and handled!

Not only that, but with CallRail, the agency uses dynamic number insertion (DNI) call tracking with every campaign across channels, including local SEO, content marketing, pay-per-click, and local service ads. That provides them the ability to track which campaigns are most successful. With CallRail, they also listen to sales conversations had by lawyers and potential clients — offering coaching on how to better handle calls with proper techniques.

Convert It Marketing + Smith.ai + CallRail is the dynamic trio. 

Zeke says he’s most pleased that the partners continue to fulfill their original promises. He and his team have worked with other providers in the past, and he emphasized the importance of consistency, reliability, and having a high-quality service that fully met expectations starting on day one!

Zeke Silvani is the Chief Revenue Officer at Convert It Marketing, a full-service digital marketing agency focusing on small and solo law firms. Their core principles are easy, effective, and affordable — whether that involves developing websites, building pay-per-click campaigns, or answering calls.

Convert It Marketing created a solution for clients called “Conversion Pro,” which marries their lead generation marketing with call answering (through Smith.ai) and call tracking (using CallRail). The partnerships with Smith.ai and CallRail allow them to provide a holistic solution — making it easier for clients to remain “hands-off” while seeing more value for their investment. The agency typically starts new clients with a one-month beta test, with the majority keeping the solution in place thereafter, since it results in many more appointments booked. 

Smith.ai is a superior 24/7 customer engagement solution. Our North America-based agents — backed by our powerful AI — are skilled at having high-quality conversations. We engage and convert leads through inbound and outbound calling to create more sales opportunities for clients.

CallRail is the lead intelligence platform that makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to market with confidence. Serving more than 200,000 companies worldwide, CallRail’s solutions help businesses track and attribute each lead to their marketing journey, capture and manage every call, text, chat, and form, and use real-time insights to optimize their marketing.

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