
Vagaro is an appointment scheduling and business management for beauty, wellness, and fitness providers.
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Book more appointments and meet more clients with the and Vagaro integration.’s virtual receptionists will schedule appointments and update your calendar using Vagaro.

Connect Vagaro to a superior customer engagement service

Vagaro is an appointment scheduling and business management solution for beauty, wellness, and fitness providers.’s virtual receptionists can book clients directly on your calendar via Vagaro.

Benefits of Vagaro +

Hands off appointment booking

Reserve your staff’s time for specialized work they are trained to do. Hand over appointment booking and other admin tasks (like call answering, client intake, and payment collection) that consume your staff’s day to’s virtual receptionists. We capture and screen potential clients via inbound calls, texts, and chats, and outbound call campaigns to leads based on your criteria. We’ll book qualified appointments — ranging from free consultations to complex service appointments — directly on your calendar. 

Connect with every potential client 

With 24/7/365 call, chat, and text answering, ensures you capture every opportunity to engage with potential clients. Whether they’re interested in booking a massage, learning more about a workout class, or hearing your pricing for blowouts, our virtual receptionists can offer around-the-clock support. Your potential clients get the information they need, and you get more potential clients prepped, pre-qualified, and ready to move forward.

Keep your calendar organized

By using the integration, you don’t need to juggle multiple calendars. Appointments scheduled by virtual receptionists are booked directly on your Vagaro calendar.

Get started right away

Set up this integration in minutes! Just share your Vagaro calendar link with via email and we’ll start booking appointments on your calendar. 

About Vagaro

Vagaro is an appointment scheduling and business management for beauty, wellness, and fitness providers.


How to Connect and Vagaro

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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Converts callers into clients is our inbound sales team. Having a trained and personable voice has transformed our ability to answer the phone and convert callers to clients.
Jeremy Treister
Owner, CMIT Solutions of Downtown Chicago

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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