
A modern business phone system for VoIP, Video, and Conferencing on iOS, Android, or desktop.
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Use Nextiva to manage your phone system, conferences, and internal videos remotely. Forward calls from Nextiva to, and our professional receptionists can answer all incoming calls, after-hours and weekends only, overflow for when your team is already on the phone, and/or temporarily to cover for out of the "office" staff. Combine quality VoIP with professional receptionists for to impress new leads and give clients the optimal phone experience with your business.

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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4.6 stars
Converts callers into clients is our inbound sales team. Having a trained and personable voice has transformed our ability to answer the phone and convert callers to clients.
Jeremy Treister
Owner, CMIT Solutions of Downtown Chicago

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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5.0 stars
4.6 stars

Take the faster path to growth.
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Affordable plans for every budget.