Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

Articles by Samir Sampat

5 Best Practices for Managing Customer Data in the World of AI

January 10, 2024
5 Best Practices for Managing Customer Data in the World of AI
Artificial intelligence is doing wonders for the world around us. Unfortunately, it’s also changing the way we do a lot of things, including how we secure customer data and personal information. While AI has enhanced data management to a certain degree, it has also created its own concerns for data security, as highlighted in the saga of ChatGPT.
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What Business Owners Need to Know About AI Data and Confidentiality

January 10, 2024
What Business Owners Need to Know About AI Data and Confidentiality
The release of ChatGPT in late 2022 created an explosion around the world of AI that was soon followed by another blow: potential concerns surrounding data privacy. Although the initial breach was minor in nature, it pointed out how quickly data privacy can be brought into question with the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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Why Virtual Receptionist Phone Handling Can Improve Client Relations

November 24, 2023
Why Virtual Receptionist Phone Handling Can Improve Client Relations
Every business needs strong client relationships. Creating those can be difficult, however. A virtual receptionist service can help improve your business’s efficiency, strengthen client relations, and boost your team’s productivity.
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How 24/7 Outreach Agents Can Help Increase Webinar and Event Sign-Ups

November 22, 2023
How 24/7 Outreach Agents Can Help Increase Webinar and Event Sign-Ups
Webinars and events can be powerful tools to generate interest in your products or services. They can also help attendees connect, learn more about specific topics from your experts, share their own knowledge, and even achieve a successful product launch.
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5 Ways to Build a Better Brand Image with Answering Services

November 20, 2023
5 Ways to Build a Better Brand Image with Answering Services
How your customers perceive your business is critical. Managing that perception is what we call “branding.” Maintaining a positive brand image requires walking a tightrope and ensuring that every interaction and experience a customer has with your business is positive.
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Why a 24/7 Answering Service Is Needed for Global Markets

November 7, 2023
Why a 24/7 Answering Service Is Needed for Global Markets
From e-commerce to software development, more and more businesses serve customers around the world. That’s great news for profitability and growth potential. However, it introduces serious challenges, particularly when it comes to communication. If you’re part of a global market, it’s essential to ensure that your business is available when your customers need you. That might mean handling phone calls at 2 AM or fielding emails at 8 PM, depending on where your office is located in relation to the customer. A 24/7 answering service can help. But why is it so important?
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How to Create a Client-First Legal Practice on a Limited Budget

November 6, 2023
How to Create a Client-First Legal Practice on a Limited Budget
Building a legal practice from scratch is never simple. However, creating a client-focused practice with a limited budget can be particularly challenging. It’s critical to make informed decisions with the capital you have while reinforcing your commitment to client service and outstanding representation. Thankfully, you can do several things to help ease the financial strain while showing each client that they matter.
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4 Tips to Reduce Overhead Spend Using Outsourced Support

November 4, 2023
4 Tips to Reduce Overhead Spend Using Outsourced Support
Finances are tight for everyone. With inflation at rates that we haven’t seen in decades, businesses across all industries are being forced to tighten their belts and do more with less. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to go without critical business services. You can use outsourced support to reduce overhead spend while still handling mission-critical business services and operations. In this post, we’ll highlight four essential tips to help you cut overhead spending with the right outsourced partner.
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Why 24/7 Chat and Call Answering Are Critical for Online Retailers

October 30, 2023
Why 24/7 Chat and Call Answering Are Critical for Online Retailers
Online retail (e-commerce) has exploded in recent years. It’s one of the fastest-growing segments of the economy, and businesses within this space range from global giants like Amazon and Walmart to digital mom-and-pop shops that specialize in niche products. Despite that diversity, all online retailers should have 24/7 chat and call answering services available for customer support. But why does it matter so much? We’ll explore the most important reasons in this post.
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Legal Intake Cheat Sheet: 10 Questions to Ask Leads

October 29, 2023
Legal Intake Cheat Sheet: 10 Questions to Ask Leads
New clients are the lifeblood of any legal practice. Without a steady stream of people to represent, attorneys can’t bill hours. Without billable hours, the practice doesn’t make a profit, and bills aren’t paid. Of course, finding new clients involves a complex combination of marketing, client outreach, and then handling the influx of interest.
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