Samir Sampat

Samir Sampat is a Marketing Manager with He has experience working with businesses of all sizes focusing on marketing, communications, and business development.

Articles by Samir Sampat

5 Tips to Reduce Prospecting and Sales Research Time

October 13, 2023
5 Tips to Reduce Prospecting and Sales Research Time
Research eats up a lot of valuable time. However, it’s an essential element of all business processes, including prospecting and sales. Some sales teams try to eliminate research or cut corners to save time, but that is only going to create more issues. The ideal solution is to find ways to reduce the time your team spends on research related to sales and lead generation.
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How to Protect Your Billable Time with a Law Firm Answering Service

October 9, 2023
How to Protect Your Billable Time with a Law Firm Answering Service
Are you spending too much time fielding random phone calls and not enough time on cases for your clients? As a lawyer, your professional expertise is in the legal field, not administrative work. It can feel like a challenge to focus on your legal caseload when all the little details need your attention. The solution? Absolve yourself of the responsibility by investing in a law firm answering service.
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Why a Bilingual Answering Service Is a Must for Diverse Markets

October 7, 2023
Why a Bilingual Answering Service Is a Must for Diverse Markets
Today, more than 13.3% of the U.S. population is comprised of native Spanish speakers - about 42 million people. An additional 15 million people speak Spanish as a second language. If your business is in a market with a lot of Spanish speakers and you don’t have a single bilingual resource available, you’re missing out on a huge share of that market.
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Going Solo? 6 Steps to Opening a Legal Practice

October 5, 2023
Going Solo? 6 Steps to Opening a Legal Practice
After several years of working for others, many lawyers seek to start out on their own and build a practice they can be proud to share with their clients. There are many reasons for this, from the desire to get away from demanding bosses or a certain type of work to the ability to have a flexible schedule, financial freedom, and more. Whatever your reason for venturing out into your own private firm, it’s a big undertaking.
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Measure AI Chatbot Performance with These 8 Metrics

October 4, 2023
Measure AI Chatbot Performance with These 8 Metrics
Everyone is talking about AI chatbots and all they offer, but you can’t just put one on your website and expect it to be effective. Because it’s so simple to choose a platform and create a chatbot, too many companies jump in without evaluating properly. Even worse, they might not consider how to determine whether their chatbot is effective or where it may need help.
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The Best Alternatives to Sales Voicemails

September 29, 2023
The Best Alternatives to Sales Voicemails
People are busy. Most of us avoid the phone as much as possible. And when it involves sales and marketing, we’ll almost always let it go to voicemail. And then, we’ll let that voicemail sit until our inbox is full, or we get bored one day and check it out of curiosity. By then, the opportunity has passed, or it’s been so long that it would be awkward to reach back out, so we do nothing. Meanwhile, that sales team is waiting for a callback and will never get it. They could be spending their time much more effectively, especially with the tools and technology available today.
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6 Steps to Fixing a Leaky Sales Funnel with Outbound Efforts

September 27, 2023
6 Steps to Fixing a Leaky Sales Funnel with Outbound Efforts
Like any funnel, your sales funnel won’t be effective if it’s filled with holes. The more opportunities people have to drop out along the way, the more likely they will be to take them, even if only accidentally. A leaky sales funnel is a huge setback. It decreases revenue, decreasing both the volume and quality of customers that make it into and through the funnel. Fortunately, it’s also an easy problem to fix.
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Turning Success Stories into Leads: How to Use Case Studies to Boost Sales Revenue

September 25, 2023
Turning Success Stories into Leads: How to Use Case Studies to Boost Sales Revenue
Using case studies can increase your sales revenue by as much as 185%, according to digital marketing and SEO expert Neil Patel. Who couldn’t benefit from that kind of boost? Of course, the big concern for most people is that a “case study” seems more formal than traditional marketing efforts.
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How To Create an ICP to Improve Sales Engagement

September 23, 2023
How To Create an ICP to Improve Sales Engagement
An ideal customer profile, or ICP, is a critical element of your sales engagement strategy. After all, if you aren’t 100% clear on who it is you’re trying to engage, how will you be able to reach them? Some companies have an idea of their ideal customer but never take the steps to create a profile they can actually share with others. However, that is what will make the difference when you want to improve sales engagement.
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Common B2B Sales Challenges and How to Overcome Them

September 22, 2023
Common B2B Sales Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Overcoming obstacles is part of the sales process for any B2B company. The increasingly competitive landscape of B2B sales has created even more challenges for sales reps and made it ever more difficult to succeed. Many (errantly) assume that salespeople only control so much of the process and the potential outcomes.
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