Alison Pacuska is the president of Pacuska Professional Services, a boutique consulting firm focused on top-tier paralegal, administrative, and legal assistant services.
Do you have trepidation about working with remote or virtual staff? Follow these five steps for effective delegation, happier clients, more money, and a great relationship with your virtual staff.
Lawyers, don't take on all your admin work yourself. Alison Pacuska explains how you can strategically outsource admin support and paralegal services to reduce stress and even increase your practice's revenue!
Many lawyers have concerns about working with virtual assistants. Alison Pacuska is here to address them so you can move on and think about the benefits.
Alison Pacuska, president of Pacuska Professional Services, a top-tier boutique firm offering paralegal and legal assistant services, explains how to determine if a virtual paralegal is right for your law firm. Learn how to make the most of a virtual paralegal, and how a service like hers can complement the services of a virtual receptionist.