7 Examples of Core Values in the Workplace from the Most Successful Companies


When it comes to growing your business, walking in the footsteps of those who have come before you is a great way to start. You aren’t going to reinvent the wheel here, and you don’t need to. Today, all you need to do is look around at the various companies out there and what they have to offer. See what sets them apart, what they do to strive for success, and how they value their employees, clients, and more. 

There are several core values that your business could cling to, but some will be more effective and useful than others. Although no two business cultures are the same, below we’ve collected a list of the leading core values that businesses need, as showcased by some of the most successful companies out there today. 

Value #1 – Integrity 

As many as 55% of Fortune 100 companies consider integrity to be a core value. Honesty and integrity are values that the customer holds dear, and appreciates in the companies that they choose to do business with. Integrity means being honest, forthright, and doing what is right, even when no one else is paying attention. 

Integrity can be seen in action in companies all over the world, but Kellogg’s is one brand that always seems to make the list. Not only are they committed to doing and being the best at all times, but they’re among the top 50 companies when it comes to diversity and they’ve been deemed a 2030 Food Loss & Waste Champion by the U.S. EPA. They’re conscious in their business efforts, and that’s what sets them apart. 

Value #2 – Creativity and individualism

More than one of Google’s core values focuses on individualism and creativity, which makes sense for this tech giant. Google is known for its creative workspaces and unique alternatives to the traditional “suit and tie” office setting. They understand that it is the value of the individual and the creativity of each person within the company that brings together opportunities for growth and they have chosen not to hamper that by allowing for a more creative, free-flowing working environment. 

Several other companies are also taking this route, especially as employees become the ones with the upper hand and businesses need to compete with top-rate culture changes. Google is just one of the many that have proven that this method is more effective than enforcing a strict office environment and dress code. 

Value #3 – Employees and employee development

Companies today are changing the way that they look at their employees, and for good reason. Brands like 3M have realized that employees are the backbone of their business and therefore deserve special attention and recognition. They are consistently investing in workforce analytics to improve talent management and in education for their employees as well as different programs that are designed to help potential future employees. 

Investing in your employees is a good way to show them that they’re valuable to your business. It’s also a good way to ensure that you create a better workforce for the future, as showcased in the way that 3M handles their employee development. 

Value #4 – Teamwork

Teamwork is an essential value for any business that expects to succeed. Many companies include teamwork as part of their core values, but fail to follow through on the training and execution of said teamwork. For this example, we turn to the Olympus Corporation’s Olympus Australia Pty Ltd, whose first core value is listed as:

Unity: We are strongest when we work together as a team

They have increased employee engagement and recognition through forward-thinking platforms that align with their corporate values. They’re also great at philanthropy and donations, but their employees and their teamwork focus are what make them stand out. 

Value #5 – Customer/Client satisfaction 

When it comes to companies that showcase their commitment to customer satisfaction, we have to mention the regional retail giant Meijer. This grocery chain is based in the Midwest and has plenty of those “typical” Midwestern values: integrity, family, teamwork, and a sense of connection and belonging for “guests”, not customers, which is just one detail that makes them different. 

This is the ultimate goal of any company, of course, so it should always be on the list of the top values that you embrace. After all, no matter how much teamwork or transparency you have, if you’re not committed to the satisfaction of your clients or customers, you’re not going to give them the service and experience they deserve. 

Value #6 – Service 

There are several companies today that take pride in the service to their communities and the work that their employees do to help improve the areas in which their businesses are located. Service can refer to just about anything, but it’s the general willingness and intention to serve others above all else, and it’s what sets many companies apart today. 

Discover, for example, partners with organizations like the Boys and Girls Club and Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and they have an internal employee giving program, too. That allows employees to donate to their charity of choice and then Discover will match the donation. 

Value #7 – Innovation 

Innovation is the heartbeat of any business that expects to succeed these days. It is innovation that has built the great countries and civilizations of the world, and innovation that has brought the digital world to us, offering a whole new way to do business. Companies like Salesforce are embracing innovation as a core value and they’re passionate about delivering. 

Salesforce invests in the growth of its employees, but it also invests a lot in innovation and new ideas. They feel that making companies values like employee support a part of daily business, they’ll be able to deliver better products and services to their target audiences.

For innovative teamwork solutions, consider a partnership with Smith.ai

As you’re embracing your company values and trying to build a better business, let Smith.ai help with things like outreach campaigns and lead intake to attract all those new potential customers and manage their needs. We can assist with everything from scheduling and 24/7 phone answering to outbound sales support and more. 

To learn more, schedule a consultation to discuss how the 24/7 virtual receptionists at Smith.ai can help your business. You can also reach us at hello@smith.ai or (650) 727-6484.

Business Education
Written by Sean Lund-Brown

Sean Lund-Brown is a current Marketing Assistant for Smith.ai. A graduate from Metropolitan State University of Denver, Sean graduated with a BA in Music and an individualized degree in Teaching Vocal Pedagogy.

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