
One of the premium VoIP service providers that offers unlimited calling plans.
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Forward your business calls from your AXvoice account to for a high-quality phone answering and lead capture and qualification service. AXvoice is a plug-and-play phone system that offers 3 call forwarding options:

1. Forward all calls or set up a set schedule.

2. Using their failover feature, set to answer any call you miss for any reason.

3. With advanced call forwarding, pick and choose which numbers to send to, and which to take yourself.

For help setting up your AXvoice account to forward to, either full time or for overflow and after-hours coverage, please let us know at

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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Converts callers into clients is our inbound sales team. Having a trained and personable voice has transformed our ability to answer the phone and convert callers to clients.
Jeremy Treister
Owner, CMIT Solutions of Downtown Chicago

Trusted by 3,000+ businesses

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Take the faster path to growth.
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Affordable plans for every budget.